Another Ride

Dear Eugene, I worked from home mostly, but once in a while would go to my office, sometimes for a longer stretch for whatever necessary reason. I would walk to work or take the bus, and if I was to take the bus, like today, rainy, there would always be this face sitting at the exact same spot anytime of the year, at least for the days I was there, which I took as statistically significant. I call the face Bitter. It might be unfair for me to close the book on a face with one adjective, but it would be even more so, I think, if I were to start to describe her. She's often staring at her screen, probably some sort of social media where usually not even an intelligible adjective is needed to paint on our face-book. I suppose she hopes for change. But change what? At her age, probably same as mine, any change is likely a bad change, unwanted irruption that calls our attention to decay, and that is for sure statistically verifiable. There might be in...