Tell Me about Him

Dear Eugene, Another simple but essential human question: If I am not a Christian, would I want my kids to go to church? (No, this is not a "church people" question, as you will see.) Let's say I did join my kids one Sunday and went through what they would go through in a day of "worship." I think my answer will be, "It's all very neat. Good things going on here. But, honey, don't take it too seriously." Now I am not being unfair to church or church people. In fact I think I am being more than fair. I am not religious and I don't subscribe to their God and God belief, but I still let my children listen and take in what they give. Like they are their parent. So I am giving up a bit of myself to let them take over. And I really wish the church people would take over, take ownership to raise young people the way a parent would and do what a parent should. Of course I don't mean in every way. Yet it is very telling, to...