Some Nobody

Dear Eugene,

Nobody feels any pain
Tonight as I stand inside the rain

I often ask God, Why would you give such wise words to someone as stingy with love and frequently downright mean-spirited as Bob Dylan?  I sing these lines at least once a day and that's only counting my being conscious of singing them.  Bless this sonuvabitch.

Of course everybody feels pain.  So it is a simple irony, isn't it?  But wait a minute: How do you know?

You say you feel pain in you and I can accept that, but to say I am feeling pain and you know it too is a bit of a stretch.  I often don't even have words to describe how I feel; so who are you to say you know my feeling, give it the same name you have given yours and assume they are siblings, comrades, lovers?

It's more than a loss in translation. It's a lack of common language, speechless, wordless, loneliness.  Like standing inside the rain...what else does a person need to say, what more can be added to...standing inside the rain?

Yours, Alex


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