Came So Far

Dear Eugene,

Summer is gone, officially, in this part of the world with such sort of schedule and agenda being the officials.

I came so far for beauty
I left so much behind.
I tried to embrace her
Fumbled out of pride.
She said she doesn't mind
She serves one and all.
Offered up to be taken
I took her yet for more.
Now that she's used up
A full-stop in place
By a man who stole a dot
And marked the end of grace.

Yours, Alex


  1. Dear Eugene,

    Summer is gone, its voice muted by rain.

    I rarely write to you in mid-afternoon. I didn’t even work this morning, a break in routine so odd that my kid asked why before she was gone for school. With more books & disdain she’d return after a quarter of a day gone. My dog, an 8-year-old whim of love & impulse, was soon gone from my lap in search for crumbs long gone with feet & steps out of my home.

    What if by magic or folly, I could stop Summer from vanishing? I have an ecosystem of gadgets – my iPhone camera, DSLR Canon & Sony videocam - to halt time & space, memorialize Summer in her glory & glee & compress all into 2-dimensional frames eternally sealed & defended in the name of beauty.

    And I could bolt for action now, vowing in madness to suspend every moment & pulse of Summer. Forego the “sort of schedule & agenda being the officials” & retreat to her birth in June before leaves & carcasses mingle in the Autumn grave.

    From door to road, roots to sky, heart to hell, beauty “came so far” only to swallow dreams & spit out sorrow.

    Yours, Kate


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