Heaven Touches Earth

Dear Eugene, This past weekend has been... I wanted to say "otherworldly," but it was not. My feet were still squarely planted on the same ground. But the ground was starting to transform, as heaven touched earth, even only so lightly, so preliminarily, tangentially. Tentative but very tangible. Through a glass darkly but the little light created a big contrast because of the deep darkness. I really want to write more, but I need to rest. Rest my heart by first resting my pen. I've written too much this past weekend. I love to speak personal words to my friends. For you only... Here is a photo-journal I've created, a very little part of it that I can share online with you anyway, of this past Sunday afternoon at a little church kind enough to include even me and my family in their mission to take down a heavy barrier between heaven and earth. (Click on picture to see details, and there are many...) The harvest is ready... ...