We Never Saw It

Dear Eugene,

The world does not take Hollywood seriously.  Never did, never will.

She is easy to like, at times even to love.  But to trust her, to "put your faith in" her is to forget she has never meant to be more than flippant.  Her magnificent outpouring might sometimes be inspiring, but what must go on is only a show after all.

The news headline asks: "As scope of Weinstein conduct widens, questions arise: who knew what and when?"

We don't need Cohen to tell us, the answer is "Everybody knows."

"If there was ever an event that I was at and Harvey was doing this kind of thing and I didn’t see it, then I am so deeply sorry, because I would have stopped it," Matt Damon said.

Yes, of course, Jason Bourne, you "would have stopped it."  If only you knew.  You just didn't know that's all.  You would have if you could have.

"This kind of stuff can’t happen," Damon proceeded to say.  As if he was born yesterday.  Really, do things like this happen on planet earth?

Maybe he meant "shouldn't happen."  Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.

"I did five or six movies with Harvey. I never saw this," he said.  After I had five or six conversations with my neighbor, I think I knew more about her than Matt knew about Harvey.

A bit of dishonesty there, maybe?  Willful blindness?  Hypocrisy?  Could it be your wallet, your reputation speaking, Mr. Damon?

That's why the world does not take Hollywood seriously.

They might line up for every single derivative superhero movie, shell out their kid's college fund to fill her box office big enough to build nations, but they know they're in for fast-food, cheap-sex, quick-fix, nothing serious.

Last year when all the coolest people in Hollywood rallied behind Hilary, America ignored them.  Americans did not take them seriously.  Who are you, Hollywood the Dream Factory, to wake us up from our illusion?  Tell us a joke and we'll laugh.  Make the same movie twice, thrice and we'll still pay.  Add the right music and we'll even shed a tear.  But don't you lecture us now about suspending our suspension of disbelief.

I wonder if it is not for the same reason that the world does not take the church seriously.  Is there injustice, hatred, brokenness, desperation in this world?  Really...?  Well, I never saw it... If we Christians had seen it, we would have stopped it...but you see, things like this is so very hidden, hard to spot... This kind of stuff can’t happen...

I took this picture recently.

I mean to say any genuine truth-seeker who ever makes a serious effort to "excavate," to bring to surface what's hidden in messy human stories would inevitably find herself entangled with the messiness she seeks to unearth, unravel, to bring to light.

When the deal goes down, no one escapes unscathed.  The Bible is full of ugly stories about God's people, but God's people don't want to read them.  We don't even want to talk about them.

Cheap grace is no grace at all.  Nothing good ever grows out of dishonesty.  The world took a look at us and quickly looked away, going to the next shelf.

If you search for tenderness
It isn't hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give

Honesty is such a lonely word

Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

Billy Joel, "Honesty"

Yours, Alex


  1. So I should be commenting on this wise and thoughtful Hollywood reflection, Alex, but I just wanted you to know Matthew and Sandra were both as impressed as I was with this photo/art piece from your neighbourhood.


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