One True Day

Dear Eugene, What does it mean by a person living his/her true "vocation"? I've read enough books on the topic to give you more insightful answers, but I will spill my guts for you so beware of the smell: I think it means knowing the best way to live the next day and then go ahead to do just that. One time, years ago, in a youth fellowship sharing circle, I spoke those exact words (though we weren't talking about "vocation") and tears came down my cheeks. It was embarrassing, especially when obviously no one else knew what I was crying about. No one other than me and myself, Alex and his own funny business. It's ok , they couldn't say, for they knew not what was "not ok" about the situation I portrayed. I don't think the statement is a good definition for "living one's vocation," but I am not going to revise it. It is not good enough because, well, to begin with, we are given more than one day in our life. ...