Dear Eugene, Rain this morning. Finally, again, after a good run of dry spell. Again. Why again ? Who am I to say this morning's rain is comparable to the last rain I've experienced? Who am I to say they are the same ? God gives us discernible patterns for us to make sense of life and finally to know him more, but with the underlying, imperative caveat: You can't pin me down . Of course we say, Well, I don't do that. When did I do that? When we say this rain is just like that rain. This person belongs to that group of persons (so to justify my disdain). This view can be lumped into that agenda (so to nurture my hatred). This action of yours reminds me of that awful memory of mine (and I hereby serve you a death sentence at Hello, without you even knowing). When we say this very morning is just like every other previous morning, and I see no reason to greet it any differently than the way it has always been wor...