Dear Eugene, Yesterday afternoon the moment I stepped out of my front door to walk Sumi I heard a voice calling my name. It was from the other side of the street, two houses down, where my neighbor whom I had visited only this past weekend resides. Only that it was not his voice. And he is definitely not the yell-across-the-street-two-houses-up type. Hey Alex, have you seen the coyo(te)? It's the whistling postman. I don't know if it's the beard that made him look jolly or his bright whistling indeed carefree; he has a Christmas presence. I could never make out the song he whistles, sometimes so loud that you could hear from the other side of a street, like a moving pin on a Google map that you could pinpoint which house he was at without seeing him. Of course he knows my name , I murmured, Of course! He's the mail man, duh! But I didn't expect him to call me by my very name. He could have just said, Hey, there! But why not? ...