Here Comes the Best
Dear Eugene,
I haven't been writing to you for almost a week now. I can affirm you this is a good thing, indeed the best thing, the kind of thing that sometimes stinks and most certainly stings. Life going well is never a walk in the park, a trip to Disneyland, or even having a good meal with family and friends or seeing your kids growing up healthy and strong: these are good things, for sure, but not the best.
The best thing is like being Simon Peter in the last chapter of the Gospel of John, or being one of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in the last chapter of Luke.
Being in the last chapters which open up new chapters that build on but are unlike anything that has come before.
Suppose I ask God for a miracle and God says yes, very well, let me grant you that right now.
Cool. Got what I want, a miracle, here in my hands.
Then how do I live the rest of my life?
Yours, Alex
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