A Giant Passes

Dear Eugene,

I wrote this yesterday upon hearing the news of Jean Vanier's passing.  I felt if I don't let it out of me the stones will cry out.  Say Hi to Jean, if you are not already having tea with him :)

A giant passes me by
Ruach--a breath away
Steps in flight carry me
To find the places of hope

Life cornered
Little demons
Smaller gods
Giants--you, of us all, would know
Who graced the same soil
Gargled the same sorrow
Bold enough for heaven
Meek enough for earth
Tilled the thin meeting place
For God to play

I gasped in the good bad news
Held it here--my heart, for long
Savored the bittersweet
Let it go to all my senses
Back of my skull
Tip of my ends
My soul begs to burst

I'm letting you go now
Before I choke up
And people around me ask
Why I am drunk with joy
So early in a day
So out of place
A grace too strange
To explain away

Yours, Alex


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