I Don't Know

Dear Eugene, This morning I was ready to take my 2018 calendar off the wall and then realized I didn't recall where the new one is and then woke up further to 2018 not being quite over yet. This is what Christmas is, isn't it, if we take it to mean what it's meant to mean: a new year, a new start, the inception of God's most definitive speaking into our life--as is, as we hoped it be, would rather it not, and everything in between--the beginning of the end, the homeless carrying us home? If I take Jesus as God's most naked, first and final revealing of who He really is and say I now place my trust in that, then there are many I-don't-knows I can no longer say. I can no longer say I don't know hatred and violence never worked and never will, that love and compassion though seem to be forever elusive are choices I am empowered by the life and death and resurrection of Jesus to give one more try. I can no longer say I don't know scorn and con...