
Dear Eugene,

There is this button we all wish we have.  And if we do have we would use it frequently.  We might even lay a stone on it to ensure it never pops back up and disrupts our desired autopilot status quo.

The button does many things, eventually, but does only one thing.  It changes the mind.

The mind of the other person.

It's really simple to use and goes like this.  Say, you want strawberry milkshake but your friend wants chocolate.  Both of you know neither can (or should) finish one full shake on your own.  You know the way to go is to share.  You don't want chocolate in your strawberry and your friend feels the same but works his wish from the polar opposite.  It's either-or.

So you, secretly, press the button, which is convenient and inconspicuous enough, because the button is on your right thumb nail.  You raise your right arm, wrap the left around your belly to have the left palm support the right elbow, and then you very slowly swing up your right forearm to have your right thumb nail meet your lower lip oh-so-tentatively, a light rub, barely perceptible even to yourself, speaking very thoughtfully to your friend without uttering a single human word, Um...let me consider your side of thing...

And there, well within your expectation--but you act surprised, of course--your friend says, I think I am ok with strawberry.  In fact, I love strawberry.  I forget since when, but now I recall, I actually like things the way you like them.  Exactly your way.  Always.

Problem solved.  Sly and selfish, maybe you are, but no one is hurt.  In fact, a common ground is reached without a battle.  And what is really good about this button is that it really makes the other convert to your way willingly and with joyous result.  The world actually becomes a better place for everybody.  Every evangelical outing ends with a baptism of the mass.

So we say to ourselves, Well, if there is a God and the God is good, then it wouldn't be a bad idea for him to give me that little thumb button.  Strawberry milkshake?  No, that's likely not how I am going to use it; I am not saying I won't use it that way, but you know--God knows!-- my heart is aiming for higher things.  Wouldn't it be nice if I can, say, stop the rebelliousness of all teenagers on earth and give all parents a chance to be decent human being for once?  That would be a cosmic restoration of justice and, truly, Christmas every day.  Peace on earth and goodwill to Man, that's what I am aiming for.  Others might use the button for selfish purpose, but I know God and I know better.  World hunger would be another urgent item on my list, to address, to resolve...  (How?)

I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is to see you

During the first two scariest months teaching my daughter to drive how I wished I have that button and I would definitely use it for the good of all mankind, always...Wait!  We have that already!

It is called a self-driving car.

Yours, Alex


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