What. Is. Your. Point?
Dear Eugene,
When you walk around aimlessly, just to get rest, to have no particular purpose in mind, you are free to ask question that you are afraid to ask and have been avoiding such aimless walk just to evade asking.
Well, there it is, your life, things you've left behind with every step forward, things you walk towards, make them present only to right away see them past. You've picked up a lot and left behind just as much; you have so much to look forward to but nothing much to die for let alone live for. We are a walking statement of our life, speaking to the world what we believe to be true or else why would we keep walking this way?
We say to ourselves, Well, this is it. You have an uncertain handful of years to make a point. So what is your point? What da heck are you trying to say here? Now stop evading and just spit it out, be honest for once and say it loud and proud: What. Is. Your. Point?
That I've grabbed life by the horns when I whipped the lambo? That life is about getting ahead of others and by and large I didn't fail my call and am trying to keep it that way and help my kids to do the same?
That life is full of beauty and I'm just here soaking up the sun sucking it all in livin' la vida loca, enjoying all exhausting all enervating all trace of negativity disappointment atrocity happening to me and in the world, like I am genuinely thankful for another breath but the rest ain't my business?
That I am conscientious about ideals and principles and doctrines, willing to progress as civilization demands it, buying into the goods of the past but a firm believer in that the best is yet to come and there is a part in it for me, may it be fastening a nut and a bolt properly innovatively ever-betterly to secure a bridge to our collective future, mending broken hearts with knife and plasma, speech and vocabulary, codes and electronic screen, preserving my way of life by confronting the contradicting truths when I can afford to, hoping the world to forever acknowledge and commemorate my heroism...?
Well Eugene, of course this is the rants of a man suffering from affluenza.
Most human beings ever graced the face of this planet know it's a wrong question to begin with. They don't even recognize the question. They don't even know you can ask such a question, like, What is your point?
They are not in the position to make a "point." Their life is about a point being made on them. Dictators oppressors tyrants speak them into their slavish existence, and the point of their life is to get the appointed point made on them and do its bidding.
Yet here's the twist. They were born in chains and they knew it. Thus when an Exodus moment comes they recognize it and yearn to follow Moses. Not that it is easy to break free but at least there is the discovery of freedom vs. slavery.
But the man suffering from affluenza doesn't even recognize he is a slave.
He's too busy making his damn point.
Yours, Alex
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