Dear Eugene,
Last night a perennial question in the literary world was settled: Whether Philip Roth will ever win the Nobel.
That needs not be asked any more; Roth passed away last night.
I have a feeling he would have chosen to hold on if not for the Nobel being cancelled this year. (They don't give the Prize to a dead man. How thoughtful.) But to wait till next fall to be disappointed all over again? Nah, f*** it. His words.
Yes, the time that Roth could have won the Nobel has come but passed him by and there is no second round. He knows. He writes about that's how life is. He whines. Like a baby. But he must admit it's the most fitting punchline to his sick joke of a life.
I was saddened when I heard the news this morning, though I've expected it long time coming. He's always been writing about sickness and dying anyway. Like, dead already, dude. I can hear him laugh.
I feel like writing two long pieces about Roth. One titled: Why Everyone Should Read Roth. The other: Why No One Should Read Roth. He wrote himself into a corner and found no way out of it. But what brilliant petty little corner he found himself in.
This morning before I heard the news I had this thought: The Truth that is Jesus has creative energy, always. Truth sets us free. It frees us to re-think even what creativity means, and to re-act to and re-enact its life-giving force.
I took this picture yesterday. I didn't know I was doing it for the news today.
Yours, Alex
Last night a perennial question in the literary world was settled: Whether Philip Roth will ever win the Nobel.
That needs not be asked any more; Roth passed away last night.
I have a feeling he would have chosen to hold on if not for the Nobel being cancelled this year. (They don't give the Prize to a dead man. How thoughtful.) But to wait till next fall to be disappointed all over again? Nah, f*** it. His words.
Yes, the time that Roth could have won the Nobel has come but passed him by and there is no second round. He knows. He writes about that's how life is. He whines. Like a baby. But he must admit it's the most fitting punchline to his sick joke of a life.
I was saddened when I heard the news this morning, though I've expected it long time coming. He's always been writing about sickness and dying anyway. Like, dead already, dude. I can hear him laugh.
I feel like writing two long pieces about Roth. One titled: Why Everyone Should Read Roth. The other: Why No One Should Read Roth. He wrote himself into a corner and found no way out of it. But what brilliant petty little corner he found himself in.
This morning before I heard the news I had this thought: The Truth that is Jesus has creative energy, always. Truth sets us free. It frees us to re-think even what creativity means, and to re-act to and re-enact its life-giving force.
I took this picture yesterday. I didn't know I was doing it for the news today.
A lot of sharp in that photo (and in your recent posts). Thanks!