
Dear Eugene,

Saturday almost evening I was waiting for the bus to meet up with some church friends, and, despite what my app told me, the bus managed to skipped a 30-minute-once round and arrived 10 minutes late for the next.  So 40 minutes in the cold was I.

The world is waiting.  We all are, especially this time of the year, exuberance abound if we can take the malls' early Christmas decoration at face value, loneliness unhinged and slowly snowballing to December 25 and beyond Auld Lang Syne, sliding down the veneer of superficial good-cheer and well-wishing, descending to somewhere dark and blue.

Sometimes the wait is too much, like Waiting for Godot, and a man becomes nihilistic and his existence absurd.

Still remember the absurdity that was the Starbucks red "holiday cup" two years ago?  An "inclusive" act they said; Political Correctness on steroid it was.  Since then last year they've reverted back to the usual Christmas motif, and I can see they have continued their streak of repentance this year.

Absurdity is an aberration.  One can toy with the idea for only so long before one tries to attribute meaning to the state of being absurd, shoots oneself in the foot and feels a pain that cries out for a reason.

Last week I walked at night on a big but by then quiet street after dropping off my son for kickboxing.  A neon sign caught my eyes for it was flashing the word JESUS.  I shook my head looked again and of course it says somethings else.

At least that's what it looked like on the surface.

Yours, Alex


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