Dear Eugene,
Who can look at--even touch--Christ's resurrected body without asking this question: What could God possibly mean by...this?
We tend to think we have all the theology worked out and, for that, totally figured out what God has in mind.
Well, for one, we have never worked out the theology; someone else did the hard work for us, after years and years of blood sweat and tears, certainly not merely in words and creeds, but much more importantly in living out the implications of God's revelation, which is often gradual and protracted. It is pure arrogance to think we are the ones to discover the earth is a sphere, denying we are born ignorant if not for the first picture book on science read to us as kid.
And who can "work out" all the theology anyway? Who can "figure out" God entirely?
When the Israelite were walking on the muddy bottom of Red Sea, they must have asked the same question: What could God possibly mean by...this? To think this question never crossed their minds, that they had God and his plan all figured out and were feeding on nothing but correct doctrines, is to dehumanize man and desecrate God, to de-story God's Story.
With possibilities come responsibilities. Chosen people are commissioned people. If one is given a pair of wings he is meant to fly. The Israelite must have felt the weight of their steps.
“Let my people go!” Christ's death and resurrection is the new Exodus for man and creation. But how often do we forget the second part of the battle cry: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me!”
We are now free to worship God! Just imagine the possibilities by exercising such freedom!!! What then shall we say to our new freeman status, resurrected life? "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Who and what can stop us from worshiping God?
Nothing. Now that is freedom! That is possibility! That is discovery! That is theology!!! It is not freedom for freedom's sake. It is not theology for figuring-out's sake. It is not "salvation" for going-to-heaven's sake. It is eternal life starting in the here and now! It is the joy and freedom and power to glorify God, to know and love him more and more each day by trusting in him and doing his will on earth as it is in heaven! Oh, the new possibilities!!!
Unstoppable together, Alex
Who can look at--even touch--Christ's resurrected body without asking this question: What could God possibly mean by...this?
We tend to think we have all the theology worked out and, for that, totally figured out what God has in mind.
Well, for one, we have never worked out the theology; someone else did the hard work for us, after years and years of blood sweat and tears, certainly not merely in words and creeds, but much more importantly in living out the implications of God's revelation, which is often gradual and protracted. It is pure arrogance to think we are the ones to discover the earth is a sphere, denying we are born ignorant if not for the first picture book on science read to us as kid.
And who can "work out" all the theology anyway? Who can "figure out" God entirely?
When the Israelite were walking on the muddy bottom of Red Sea, they must have asked the same question: What could God possibly mean by...this? To think this question never crossed their minds, that they had God and his plan all figured out and were feeding on nothing but correct doctrines, is to dehumanize man and desecrate God, to de-story God's Story.
With possibilities come responsibilities. Chosen people are commissioned people. If one is given a pair of wings he is meant to fly. The Israelite must have felt the weight of their steps.
“Let my people go!” Christ's death and resurrection is the new Exodus for man and creation. But how often do we forget the second part of the battle cry: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me!”
We are now free to worship God! Just imagine the possibilities by exercising such freedom!!! What then shall we say to our new freeman status, resurrected life? "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Who and what can stop us from worshiping God?
Nothing. Now that is freedom! That is possibility! That is discovery! That is theology!!! It is not freedom for freedom's sake. It is not theology for figuring-out's sake. It is not "salvation" for going-to-heaven's sake. It is eternal life starting in the here and now! It is the joy and freedom and power to glorify God, to know and love him more and more each day by trusting in him and doing his will on earth as it is in heaven! Oh, the new possibilities!!!
Unstoppable together, Alex
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