The Christmas Curse

Dear Eugene, "So this is Christmas, and what have you done?" There asked John Lennon , then a few others, but none with more moralistic authority than Celine Dion . The tune is ok, but I'm sorry, the question is wrong, adds itself to an all-wrong world. Not that it's not a worthwhile question. Only that there needs being asked a few others, in fact a series of more fundamental human questions before we could arrive at a humble place--ourselves humbled, that is--to genuinely seek the true answer--answer in truth, that is. To begin with, Why should I do anything about anything? If there's something wrong with this world, it's a wrong ongoing: it doesn't take a special season to sermonize ourselves into acknowledgement. And what if I acknowledged all along this world is wrong? Still , what can I do about it? It's hard to not read this question as pure cynicism, but really, just say the plain six words and try to answer: What ca...