Pill and Pillow

Dear Eugene, Yesterday when I was driving his friend home, my son made a comment that he hasn't found a way to grow out of since first making it a few years back: "Why do we have to learn Shakespeare? Like someone's gonna ask you question about him in a job interview?" I suggested maybe one day he will find truth from the mouth of "King Lear," truth that might make a difference of life and death to him. Or maybe without Shakespeare there's no Eminem . The preeminent Canadian literary theorist Northrop Frye suggested, "Nobody is capable of free speech unless he knows how to use language, and such knowledge is not a gift: it has to be learned and worked at," and that "wherever illiteracy is a problem, it’s as fundamental a problem as getting enough to eat or a place to sleep." So in a world where eating and sleeping and reading are no problems, we tend to be ignorant of how problematic lacking any of these could be if we a...