Needful Things

Dear Eugene, Give me one verb. One verb that would have you, a Christian, to go before it as the subject of the sentence and make a definitive statement about your Christian faith. Just one. What would that verb be? I suspect any Christian if asked would consider this a serious question and give it some serious pondering. And I further suspect any serious pondering on religious matter would likely trigger in the religious person a recollection of sacred sayings, however fragmentary, "orthodoxy," the "official position" that would escape the shameful or, god forbid, the heretical. I suspect if we tally up the votes the number one choice among Christians (followers-of-Christ, I dare define) would be love . To love. I love. Love God and love people, that's where we start and that's where we end. I am not saying anyone is trying to be dishonest, but, really, is this our true answer? Honesty has to do with actuality, what really is hap...